Staying Connected

TIM DOERING / January Newsletter

Hello Friends. This year our plan for communications is to provide brief stories, reflections, and resources within each of the three ministry focus areas of Netzer on a monthly basis. You’ll also receive another monthly email at the end of the month recapping podcast episodes and providing regional prayer notes. We would love to hear any feedback from you about the format and content. 

The health of leaders is essential to the flourishing of the Church. Pastors and ministry leaders carry unique responsibilities. Their roles come with the distinct spiritual pressures and emotional burdens. Undoubtedly this is part of why we are called to pray for our leaders.
Today would you be willing to pick one Christian leader who you are connected to, set a timer for 3 minutes, and pray for them. As you do, invite the Holy Spirit to help you think of words of encouragement or a gift that you could bless them with. 

One of the cool kingdom collaboration stories we saw last year was three congregations deciding to join together permanently as one Church. Their pastors, from three different denominations, initially connected through one of our leadership cohorts. They eventually decided, along with some other leaders, to partner in a joint regional youth ministry.

Over the years these three congregations started to partner together on several other initiatives. Eventually, they came to the decision that they would be better together. Now it is official. They tied the knot and have started a new chapter together. Praise God! 

One resource that I have found extremely helpful for maintaining a prayer culture and for practically leading ongoing vibrant prayer meetings is Strategic Renewal.


Unanswered Prayer & The Voice of the Lord


A Weekly Family Reunion